1. Attending to all classes..

You must honest and be responsible to your own self especially in attending classes. This is because you will be tested on material from the course text, most of the question given in the test or examination come from the lecturer.

2. Become an active learner.

Unlike in high school, in college, you can't learn all of the material just reading over it a couple of times. You need to write and recite the information to get it into long-term memory.

3. Participate in your class.

Learning process will be more fun and worth it if you become part of the class. Otherwise, you need to set a goals to ask or answer at least one question every day during each of your class. Once you begin participating, you'll become more actively involved in the learning process.

4. Get to know your lecturer.

Have a talk with your lecturer before, after or during classes. For example, you can ask your lecturer about your progress in the course. If you get to know your instructors, you may feel comfortable asking help from them when you need it.

5. Form a study groups with friends.

An effective study group is consisting of 3-4 members only but you can make it more. All of them must be serious in their studies, because only then they will contribute.

6. Stay up to date with your work.

As a new university student's like me, will always experience difficulty in keeping up with all the reading that’s assigned in class. If you get behide in your reading, you may never have time to catch up. The workload in college just increases as the semester progresses. Never procrastinate !

7. Be receptive to chance.

Ask your lecturer if you have problem on strategies to learn. When your lecturer gives you some suggestion, just make a try. If you don't make changes in the ways you take notes, read your texts or prepare for exams, for example, you won't see changes in your performance.

8. Work hard this semester.

If you want higher grade every semester, if you work slowly, or if you’re taking difficult courses, you’ll need more time to do your work well. You'll need a minimum of thirty hours (two hours outside of class for every hour in class) to do your work if you're taking fifteen credits this semester . Forget about doing all your assignments in  the evening.


Everyone has different types of learning styles like me too. There are 3 main types of learning styles such as AUDITORY, VISUAL and TACTILE LEARNER. If you dont know what style are you, find it out in this website :


AUDITORY LEARNER means you can easily understand the subject when you listening using audio or tape. When you use this material, you can repeat it with loud voice tone. It help AUDITORY LEARNER like me very well. Addition,  please sit in the place that you can listen very well when you are studying.


🙉  Record lectures (pay attention on lecture).
🙉  Participate in study groups (hearing information and explaining cases and law to other people)
🙉  Use word association (Mnemonic devices, such as songs or rhymes, are great to pair with case law and your outlines).

NEXT, TACTILE LEARNER means you prefer write something to help you more understand the subject, such as you write a note when teachers or lectures are talking. It's spontaneous when your hand write a note like me, i still see my lecture face while my hand is writting. You also can write severel time a word that you cannot understand it. Last but not least, taking and keeping lecture note is very important to make study sheet.


✋ Get Comfortable (study sitting in a comfy chair or lying down).
✋ Fidget (find some non-distracting movement that you can make during lectures or other situations where you’re still for long periods)
✋ Take Notes (Lots of Them).
✋ Give Yourself Active Breaks (take a break to get up and stretch, take a walk, or do something else to get your circulation flowing).

Instructor : Tuan Haji Halil Bin Paino.

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